Find Pax Luminaria — Peace and Light
Welcome to Pax Luminaria, an invitation to spiritual deepening through an entrustment with you- God’s Beloved, God and Debra Paxton-Buursma, your spiritual companion. Pax Luminaria holds space for you to awaken, explore, transform your dynamic connection with the Divine and the world through Individual or Group Spiritual Direction, Retreats, and Consultations.
Yours is a sacred story intertwined within a cosmic story of Divine light and love. You were created to shimmer with Divine Essence through Spirit’s move. Discover opportunities nurture inner peace and consider bright possibilities for transformative healing and hopeful change. Find joy within yourself and with others in an imperfect, divisive world.
Meet your Spiritual Companion: Debra Paxton-Buursma
How will I benefit from spiritual deepening?
Spiritual deepening offers a constellation of promises and possibilities. As your companion, I listen to you and Spirit attentively, help you notice what shapes your being and becoming, and encourage you to consider possibilities in ordinary and extraordinary moments. We can celebrate increased wholeness of mind, spirit and body dynamically opening, unfurling and integrating within the world. How that looks is different for everyone.
Together, we find light and become light within a realm of loving possibilities which may bring:
Companionship in struggle
Healing life wounds
Resilience and calm under stress
Understanding and compassion
Forgiving self;
forgiving others
Awareness and exploration of spiritual experiences
Inner peace and harmony of mind, body and spirit
Welcome, I am so glad you are discovering how Divine Presence is moving through Pax Luminaria. Pax Luminaria offers four services for responding to your unique spiritual longing and desire. We begin exactly where you are on your unfolding journey.
Which service is best for you? Explore the possibilities. Let's consider the options together.